

kriohirurgijaIt is controlled exposure of tissues to extreme cold, in purpose of destruction of abnormal cells. Liquid nitrogen is widely used in practice, its temperature being -196ºC.
In our clinic, particular spray bottles are used with applicators of the various sizes compatible with different lesion dimensions. Using these applicators, more precise and deeper treatment is obtainable.Read more >


radiotalasna dermatohirurgijaRadiowave dermatosurgery is a part of dermatosurgery applied for fine interventions on the skin. We use ELLMAN radiowave equipment. With the help of high frequency electromagnetic waves with 4 MHz frequency finer cuts are possible than with any scalpel, efficient hemostasis (arrest of bleeding), evidently fast wound healing and completely acceptable esthetic results.  Radiowave surgery is ideal method for removal of the benign skin tumors Ø 45 mm; we have an internal rule that any change we eliminate is not larger than 7 mm. Read more >


Lugonja Cosmedics biopsija koze | skin biopsy
Skin biopsy is a sample of skin taken for (PH) pathohistology in purpose of making or confirming a clinic diagnose.

Skin sample is taken with the scalpel or with the punch biopter.

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