PURAGEN is safe, natural cosmetic filler, it makes the skin look younger longer than any other filler

Puragen is a hydro gel that is injected at dermis to add volume, smooth wrinkles and restore lip fullness. It consists of hyaluronic acid, which is a natural skin substance, whose role is to preserve water in tissue, thus preserving tissue volume. This hyaluronic acid is not of animal origin so it does not contain risk of allergies for individuals sensitive to eggs and meat. Reactions to Puragen are rare, though a short period of skin redness, swelling, itching, sensitivity or discoloration can occur at the place of injection.

Uniqueness of Puragen is proprietary double cross-linking hyaluronic technology (DXL™) which offers significant advantages over current single cross-linked hyaluronic products.

After laser treatment or chemical pilling it is advised for treated area to heal completely before Puragen treatment, in general 6 to 8 weeks.

Puragen is injected in small quantities with very fine needle.

Treated areas should not be massaged or rubbed for the next 48 hours after treatment, also avoid overheating (sun beds). If redness or swellings occur, you may use cold (ice) patch.

Immediate results can be seen and most patients do not make any pause in daily activities.


Treatments last for less than 30 minutes but it varies upon treatment type and number of treated areas.

This procedure can cause feeling of discomfort, so one may use ice or topical anesthetic. For lips, as very sensitive, local anesthetic is also applied.

Most people decide to renew the treatment after 8 to 12 months. Extended lips treatment can have shorter results. Length of time Puragen will last depends on skin structure, life style, age, treated area and applied injection technique.

Puragen cannot be removed but it is naturally dissolved with no traces of injection. Treatment can be done in several stages for patients not sure of the result.